Monday, June 10, 2019

10 June 2019 – Murla Recce

We need eight new three hour walks for our summer walk programme.   So each Monday we do a recce of parts of our regular five hour walks to check how long they take to walk and what the distance is.
Today we checked from Parcent to Murla, with a couple of alternative extensions.
We passed the restaurant by the river which was damaged in the 2007 Gota Fria, and then abandoned by the owners because it was illegal.
This is a photo from August 2007 when we had lunch there with Dave and Sue
This is what it looks like today.  In 2007 this was part of the restaurant on the right  and luxury appartments on the left.
This is how it looked in 2007, when it opened before it had full legal approval
A few weeks after its very successful open day it was closed by the Spanish authorities
Soon after we had the terrible Gota Fria, which caused so much damage throughout the area.   It caused a massive mud slide which covered both the restaurant and the nearby living accommodation.  Fortunately no one was injured, but all of the buildings were covered in deep, thick mud.
The owner and his family left soon after and abandoned the restaurant.   When we visited a few weeks later the whole place had been vandalised.   Fittings and piping had been removed or broken.   Rumour said it was the owner, or it may have been locals.  In either case it was sad to see such a lovely restaurant and hotel destroyed.

This could, and should, have been a very popular addition to Murla attractions.  It could have provided employment and brought many visitors, both local and foreign.   Instead it has been reduced to broken eye sore which will remain so for many years to come.

Distance - 9 km
Time Taken – 3.5 hours

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