Friday, November 29, 2019

28 November 2019 – Lliber to Senija Reverse

Today the weather forecast was 22c, and it was just about right
Unlike Monday no cold wind today, pretty well ideal walking weather
And nice to be joined by Sue and Dave

This was our first walk from Lliber since the Rastro started in our usual car park
So we parked where we could, and met in the square
Most arrived early because of the new parking arrangements
Some had coffee waiting for everyone to arrive
Tanya and James, who live in Lliber even had their breakfast as they waited
We walked through the rastro, which was very quiet
Most started wearing jackets or jumper
But outer layers were quickly removed
We had a late banana stop at The Cross
Where the warm sun was very pleasant indeed

We also had an early issue of sweets to compensate for the late banana stop
Then on to our usual picnic spot, where Dave produced a box of really nice chocolates
At our last stop on the dry river Tanya distributed a third round of sweets
We are ready for complaints when we revert to one boiled sweet after lunch
Jan had asked the bar to have a table for 19 at 1530 and we were right on time
 As we neared Lliber the bar proved a strong draw for Jo, Tanya and Helen
This was the response when Barry suggested a collection for the back marker (himself!)
Distance –14 Km
Time Taken – 5.5 hours
Total Ascent – 437 metres