Thursday, September 26, 2019

26 September 2019 – Parcent to Murla

This was the last of our summer walks for this year
In previous years we have always stopped walking between end of May and start of October
This is because it is considered to be too hot to enjoy five or six hour walks during the summer
But four months is a long time, and we really missed our weekly walks
So this year we decided to trial shorter summer walks each Thursday during June and September
We would start at 0900 instead of our usual 1000
We would also do shorter low level three hour walks of about 9km
This would get us back to the bar before the temperatures rose after midday
We were pleasantly surprised that they were not only manageable, but also enjoyable
Numbers walking were less than normal due to holidays and visitors
But the smaller groups were just as enjoyable as our regular walks
It did mean that we would have to provide a new set of walks

We did this by doing parts of our regular walks
This was easier said than done, and we had to carry out a few recce
In particular it was difficult to anticipate how long it would take to do each walk
And though we did not have a picnic lunch, we did have a banana stop about halfway
There should have been eight walks in all
Jan and I missed two because of our annual summer visit to the UK, but John and Barry led those walks for us
We also missed one week due to the Gota Fria in early September
We really enjoyed all of the walks and hope to continue them next year